Property 1 : Name of the Owner Srl Jimut Kanti Maity & Rajat Maity. All that part and parcel of the property at Plot No. 80/3702 (Sabek) 90 (LR). J.L. No. 125, Khatian Nos. 459/1 (LR) & 1202/1. Vill & Mouza - Kalyanpur, ADSR - Khanchi, P.S. - Nandakumar, Dist - Purba Medinipur, Pin - 721 632, West Bengal to the extent of 7.332 Decimal Bastu land with building owned by Sri Jimut Kanti Maity and Rajat Maity. Bounded by : North - 6 ft wide Gram Panchayat Moram Road, South - Pond of owner, East - Vacant Plot of owner & 6 ft wide Moram Road, West - House of Amrit Maity (Property under Constructive Possession)