Land measuring about 4 Satak with building (or part of building) at P.S. Hemtabad Mouza Bishnupur, J.L No. 27. LR Khatian No. 2088 RS/LR Dag No. 161. District North Dinajpur, Touzi Mahalpargana ADSR &DSR Office Raiganj. The said Property is butted and bounded by North Land of Legal heirs of Late Kumaresh Sarkar, South Land of Tarun Kumar Sarkar & Kamal Roy. East Agricultural Land of Prabhat Barman and Bankim Barman, West 12 feet wide metal road, as mentioned in Deed No. I-1306/2021 AND Land measuring about 3 Satak with building (or part of building) at P.S. Hemtabad Mouza-Bishnupur, J.L. No. 27 LR Khatian No. 562. RS Dag No. 582. District-North Dinajpur, ADSR & DSR Office Raiganj. The said property is butted and bounded by North Kutcha Road, South Land of Jagannath Sarkar & Kamal Roy, East Land of legal heirs of Late Kumaresh Sarkar, West 10 feet wide metal road, as mentioned in Deed No. I-4729/2018 The combined property is butted and bounded by North Provision for kutcha passage South Shop of Tarun Sarkar & Vacant Land of Kumut Chandra Barman, East Agriculture land of Prabhat Barman and Bankim Barman, West 5 wide Nayanjali then 10 wide PWD Road now 10 wide PWD Road & Nayanjali used as Road.