i) Theni District, Periyakulam Re-District, Theni Taluk, Sub division, Allinagaram Village, comprised in Manaiyadi Ayan Sy.No 274 out of an extent of 23 cents on its north west corner leaving a triangle shaped 1 1/4 cents the remaining 21 3/4 Cents, and in Punja Ayan Sy. No 273/B3 out of an extent of 1.29 Acres on its west out of an extent of 24 cents on its west out of an extent of 3 cents, leaving 1 cents on its west end the remaining 2 cents have been allocated for 20 ft width North South common path way, on east the remaining extent measuring 1.22 acres, thus totaling 1 Acre 43 3/4 Cents (i.e 21 3/4 Cents + 1.22 Acres) is bounded by East S. No 273/B4, South : East West Raja Vaikal, West 20 Ft width North South Pathway, North Railways Land. Within this boundaries 1.43 3/4 Acre of Punja Land along with well establishment of 4 cents in Sy. No 273/B3 along with 7 1/2 H P electric motor pump set etc., in which an undivided rights of 2/6 part and in which Sy. No 273/B3 out of said 1.22 Acre as the applicant herein already sold out an extent of 21 cents to M. Jeyaram and 7 Cents to Mr. R. Aandavar the remaining 94 Cents in Sy. NO 273/B3 and 21 3/4 cents in Sy. NO 274 thus totaling 1.15 3/4 Acre belongs to applicant. The said property now comes under the net of Town survey of Theni Allinagaram Municipality. ii) Then District, Periyakulam Re-District, Theni Taluk, Sub division, Allinagaram Village, at Theni comprised in Manaiyadi Ayan Sy. No 275/3 out of an extent of 1.31 Acre on its east out of an extent of 1.17 acre on its south block from west to east, Plot No 20, 21 out of an extent of 2588 3/4 Sq.ft on its east and a triangle shaped house site to an extent of 548 1/4 Sq.ft (50.93 Meter) is bounded by East SY. No 274, South : East West Raja Vaikal, West : Balamurugan and Thirugnanasambadham's Land, North : North South 16 Ft. width of East West common pathway. Measurement East West (North) : 0, (South) 25 1/2 Ft, North South (West) 43Ft, (East) 50 1/2 Ft. Total 548 1/4 Sq.ft Measurement Details of 1st and 2nd Items of Scheduled Properties: 1. Sy. NO 274 Punja Land 21 4Cents, Sy. No 273/B3 Punja Land : 94 Cents = 1 Acre 15 3/4 Cents. 2. Sy. NO 275/3 Vacant House Site 5481 Sq. ft
VACANT LAND for Sale in ALLINAGARAM THENI, Bodinayakanur