Plot in Bhuvanagiri, Cuddalore Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Anandhan V
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    In Chidambaram Registration District Bhuvanagiri Reg District, Mel Bhuvanagiri Village No Hect (0.20 Cents). 2. RS No4/3-0.49.5 Hect (Ac. 1.22 Cents) Total Acre 1.42 cents therein ayout formed in the name of Sri Saravana Nagar, Plot Nos 39, 40 and 41. Measurement of Plot No.39 1245 Sqft : East west 20 feet on the both side, North south 62.9 feet on the eastern side, 61.9 feet in the western side. Measurement of Plot No.4 1378 Sqft East west 24 feet on the northern side, 21 feet in the southem side, North south 61.9 on the eastern side. 60. feet in the western side. Measurement of Plot No.41 1114 Sqft East west 49.6 feet on the northern side, 48.6 feet on the southern side, North south 21.6 on the eastem side, 24 feet in the westem side. Total extent of three plots 3738 Sqft Boundaries of Plot No 39 & 40 East of Rajaram land and Plot No.27, 28, 29: West of Plot No.38 North of Plot No. 32&33; South of 20 feet East West street. Boundaries of Plot No.41 East of Rajaram land West of Plot No 42; North of 20 fe et East West street South of Rajaramland
    1378 Sq Ft
    Bhuvanagiri, Cuddalore
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Tue, 16 May 2023 04:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 17 May 2023 11:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Wed, 17 May 2023 12:30 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    12.04.2023 to 16.05.2023 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m
    Bank Contact Details
    Mr. Pakhare D.D Mobile Number 9480691777
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