Property: 5 Property under Reg sale Deed NO 228/2016, Dated 09-03-2016. All the part and parcel of vacant residential site bearing sy no:247-A, Plot no:66,67,68,99, 100 & 101, near Audishankara Techno School & N.B.K.R Eng college, Gudali Vg & Panchayat, Kota mandal,Nellore Dist. Admeasuring 126.72 ankanams or 1013.76 sq yds under DOC No: 228/2016 bounded by FOR Plot no: 66,67,68,99,100 & 101 EAST: 25' Wide layout road WEST: 25' wide road NORTH: 30' wide layout road SOUTH: Plot no. 69 & 98