Item No. 2: All the part and parcel of commercial land bearing R S No. 20/11 of 20/4, E Swathu No: 151300401600520690, VPA No: 412, Plot No: 1 to the extent of 1 Acre 20 Guntas situated at Belligatti Village, Tq Kundgol Property bounded by North by :Sy No. 20/3, South by :R S No. 20/5, East by :Government Road, West by :R S No. 20/4
For detailed terms and conditions of the sale please refer the link "E-Auction" provided in Canara Bank's website ( or Website Contact Person: Canara Bank, Manager, Regional Office, Hubballi during office hours on any working day or M/s PSB Alliance (Ebkray), Phone No.8291220220. Email id:, Website :