Title Owner: Mrs. Sangana Santha Kumari All that piece and parcel of Converted Residential 6 sites bearing No:55,56,57,59,64 & 94 carved out of 2 Acres 28 Guntas in Sy No.82/1 and 32 Guntas in Sy No. 82 /2 and totally measuring to an extent of 3 Acres and 20 Guntas, Lakshmisagar Village ,Attibele Hobli ,Anekal Taluk, Bangalore District ,duly converted from Agricultural Purposes to Non Agricultural Residential Purposes by Special Deputy Commissioner Vide Official Memorandum No. ALN (A)(A) SR:278/2011- 12,277/2011-12 , both dated : 02-04-2012 which is a part of 6 Acres 2 1/2 Guntas (including converted land measuring 16.5 Guntas In Sy No:100 and 2 Acres 6 Guntas In Sy No 75/1) Layout approved by the BMRDA/APA Vide bearing No.APA/LAO/09/2012-13 dated 01.04.2013, and the Layout called and known as "LAKE VIEW GOLDEN NEST PHASE-II" The) Khatha in respect of all the 6 Sites is confirmed in the name of Sri S YERRA REDDY who are the GPA Holder/Developer of the Vendors (Land Owners) in the office of the Village Panchayath, Kambalipura. The details of the Site Numbers, Khata Numbers, Measurements and Boundaries are as detailed hereunder of the above said 6 Sites: 2. All that piece and parcel of Residential Site bearing No.56,je-shanthu No: 150200100600420036, Measuring on the East to West 40.5 Feet, North to South 45 Feet, Totally Measuring 1823 Square Feet Bounded on the : East by : Site no 60 West by : Road North by : Road South by : Site No 55
Plot for Sale in LAKE VIEW GOLDEN NEST PHASE-II, Lakshmisagar Village, KAMBALIPURA, ,Attibele Hobli ,Anekal Taluk, Bangalore Distric, Bengaluru