EMT of Landed Property measuring 2 cottahs 12 Chittacks a little more or less out of 0.26 satak lying and situated at Mouza Manikpur, JL No 77, Touzi No 412 comprising of Dag No 410 under Khatian No 358 within Sonarpur district 24 Pgs(South). The title holder of the landed property in the name of Smt. Manju Mukherjee Wlo-Sri kishore Mukherjee. The property is jutted and bounded by: North: By lane of Dag No 389, South: By 12 ft wide common passage, East: By rest of land of Dag No 410 at Plot No 45, West: By land of Dag No 391 or Plot No 44 (Property under Symbolic Possession)