All the Parts and Parcel of the Structures at Dindigui district, Dindigul RD, Dindigul Joint SRO Dindigul Taluk Chettinaickenpatti Village Patta No 530 S S.No 193/1 the Land measuring 40 cents divided into House sites the Plot No measuring 6212 1/2 Sq.ft. Boundaries: East; Plot No 1, West; South North Road with width of 23 ft, North; Property 194, South: Property in S. No 193/2. Extent of Land: East: West on Both the Sides 70 ft, South North on Both the Sides 88 3/4 ft, Totally Measuring 6212 The Property Lies within the Jurisdication of office of Dindigul Joint SRO Dindigul Taluk hettinaickenpatti Village