Property in Villianur, Puducherry Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Global Multi Packaging
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    Puducherry Registration District, Villanur Sub Registration District, Vilianur Commune Panchayat, Vilage No.30, Kodappa kkam Revenue Village Re-Survey No.91/6, Cad No.482 as per deed and as per surnvey sett eme nt Re-Survey No91/6A plot with R.C.C.building with an extent of 4 Kuzhis 8 Visams or 2592 Sq.feet on the northern side of 12 with the following boundaries: East of -Kodappa kkam Colony land, West of- Global and others land, South of - Road, North of -Rema ining land in Re-Survey Na.91/6A tem-ll Puducherry Registration District, Villianur Sub Registration District, Vilianur Commune Panchayat, Vilage No.30, Kodappakka m Revenue Vilage, Re-Survey No.91/6, Cad No482 as per deed and as per survey setlemet Re-Survey No.91/6Avacant plot with an area of 6 Kuzhis 2 2/3 Vee sam or 3551 Sq.feet within the following boundaries: East of - Kodappakkam Colony land West of- Global and Heath cêntre land, South of - Remaining land in R.S.No.91/6A, North of - Duraisamy Reddiar's land. Item-l: Puducherry Registration District, Viliagur Sub Regstration District, Vilianur Commune Panchayat, Village No.30, Kodappakkam Revenue Village, Re-Surey No .91/6, Cad No482 as per deed and as pet survey settlement Re-Survey Na.91/6A Plat with A.C.C buidling with Electricity and water connections with an extent of 8 Kuæhis or 4608 Saft o and with the folowing boundaries: East of -Koda pa kkam Colony land, West of - Global and others and and Heath Centre land, South of-Remaining landin R.S. No.91/6A, North of - Remaining land in R.SNo.91/6A Reserve Price: Rs.- EMD: Rs.9,90,000 BID MULTIPLER: Rs.
    2592 Sq Fteet
    Villianur, Puducherry
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    3,819 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    EMD submission
    Fri, 05 May 2023 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Mon, 08 May 2023 11:30 AM
    Add To Calendar
    Auction End Date & Time
    Mon, 08 May 2023 12:30 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    04.05.2023; 11.00 am to 4.00 pm
    Contact Details for Support
    (Ph. No. 0422-2549459/
    EAuction Website
    Canara Bank
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