All that piece and parcel of the Residential Property bearing BBMP Municipal No. 17. PID No.27-105-17 and New PID No.094-W0086-4 earlier known as Corporation No.105, situated at Risaldar Street, Sheshadripram Bengaluru, measuring East to West 30 feet and North to South 45 feet, totally measuring 1,350 Sq Feet, along with the construction standing thereon comprising of Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor and the Terrace Floor and bounded on the East by: Municipal No.14 & 15 and Earlier Hafiza Building Property, On the West by: 5 Feet Common passage and Municipal No. 16, On the North by: Municipal No. 17/2 Mohammed Ubed UR Rahman, On the South by: Risaldar Street (Park) Road