Property 1 : All that piece and parcel of land measuring 7 Cottahs 5 Chittacks, 19 Sq ft be the same a little or more, being the Modern Colony Plot No. 21 and 22. presently bearing the Municipal Holding No. 54, P K Guha Lane, under Dum Dum Municipality . P.S Dum Dum, Kolkata- 700028 within the District North 24 Parganas, being the settlement Dag No 413,412 & 411 and Khatian No 44,318 & 403, in Mouza- Digla, J.L No. 18, Touzi No. 173, R S No 161 wherein a housing complex in the name and style of ' Nirmala Plaza" is developed consisting of several flats and some shop room and car parking spaces in a building constructed upto 5 (Five) floors, each floor consisted mainly by 5(five) numbers of flats of various sizes. The said plot of land is butted and bounded as follows : On the North House Property of Sri Rajendra Nath Hela, On the South P. K. Guha Lane, On the East - P. K Guha Lane, On the West - House Property of Sri Panchanan Banerjee Property 2 : All that the complete Flat being No E-1 on the first floor, constructed on first schedule property containing a total super built up area 700 square feet more or less ( gifted area 6/7th share i.e. 600 Sq ft) in the building consisting of 2 (Two) Bedrooms. 1(One) Dining space, 1(One) Kitchen and 1(One) Bath Privy along with the proportionate share or interest of the land in the first schedule including of the areas of the undivided proportionate share of interest in the said building along with all right of aggress and ingress through the common passages and the electric wire fittings water connection and other facilities. (Property under our Symbolic Possession)