Property No-2: (Property in the name of Mr. Mohamed Althaf Hussain) In Dindigul Re-District, Dindigul NagalNaickenpatti Sub Registrar Office, AthoorTaluk, Pillayarnatham Village, in S.No.81/1 the land measuring 23 cents out of 1.28 Acres. Boundaries: East: Land in S.No 82, 33, West : Remaining land belongs to Salim in S.No.81/1, South: Land belongs to Jahir Hussain 25.3/4 cents in S. No 81/2, North: Property belongs to Sri Amman Agro Industries Pvt.Limited, Extent of land: 23 cents, The property lies within the jurisdiction of Office of Nagalnaickenpatti Sub Registrar Office.