Schedule C: Item No. I: In Coimbatore Registration District, sulur Sub Registration District, palladam Taluk, Karumathampatti village, (as per patta No.231) in G.S.No.789, an extent of 15.74 acres of land (present sub division No.789/3) in this North of East west pathway situated in G.S.No.789/4, East of Share of lands belonging to Muthu gr and others , South of G.S.No. 788/3 West of North south pathway situated in G.S.No. 789/5 In the middle an extent of 11.55 acres of land out of this the acre 2.00 acres of land situated in East west on the southern side bounded and measuring: North of East west pathway situated in G.S.No.789/4 East of Share of lands belonging to Muthu Gounder and others South of The middle portion of 2.00 acres of land, West of North south pathway situated in G.S.No. 789/5 In this middle of an extent of 2.00 acres of land (0.81.0 Ha) and In the same place in G.S.No. 789/5, East west on both sides 23 links, North south on the west 884 links North south on the East 885 links Measuring an extent of 20344 sq. Links of land and the right to use the east west pathway situated in G.S.No. 789/4, to reach the item No.1 property situated in G.S.No. 789/3 and the usual rights and other appurtenances thereto. Item No. II In Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Palladam Taluk, Karumathampatti Village, (As per patta No.231) in G.S.No. 789, (New sub division No.789/3), the East west on the Middle bounded and measuring: North of Southern portion of 2.00 acres already given by settlement deed. East of Share of lands belonging to Muthu gr and others, South of Northern portion of 3.00acres already given by settlement deed, West of North south pathway situated in G.S.No.789/5, In this middle an extent of 2.00acres of land (0.81.0 Ha) Both items 1 and 2 totalling an extent of 4.00 acres of land and the right to use the pathway and cart track rights and other appurtenances thereto. The above properties are situated within the Karumathampatti panchayat limits.