Description of the Immovable Property: Schedule of property: All the part and parcel of immovable property situated in Prakasam District, Markapur registration District, Markapur sub district, Markapur Mandal, Markapur village, Markapur municipality area –survey no.250/2, an extent of 144.44Sq yards or 121.32 Sq. meters of vacant site out of an extent of 325 Sq. yards of vacant site near the house bearing door no:10-104-4G1 bounded by East: 20feet width of Rasta South: The site of Pothamsetty Venkata Ramana West: The site of Gottam venkata Reddy and others North: The site of Bijjala bharathi (Covered under Registered sale deed dt.13/04/2015 Doc no.2657/2015 of SRO. Markapur)