All that piece and parcel of homestead land and messuage measuring 3 (Three) Kattahs 14 (Fourteen) Chittacks 10 (Ten) Sq. ft. more or less along with structures standing along thereon lying and situate in Mouza - Nainan Purba, Dag No. 42(P), being Plot No. 119 of the master plan, being premises No. 119, Bidhan Park, Police Station - Baranagar, Kolkata - 700090, Holding No. 1367, in Ward No. 26(0),19(N) with in the local limits of Baranagar Municipality under A.D.S.R.O Cossipore Dum Dum; butted and bounded by - On the North Ambagan Colony, On the South : 30' wide Road, On the East: Plot No. 120, On the West: 30' wide Road. SECOND SCHEDULE : (Description of the Shop Room) All that Ground floor west facing shop room, being Shop No. 5 measuring 210 Sq. ft. (Two hundred ten Sq. Ft.) more or less including super built-up area together with undivided proportionate impartible share and interest in the land comprising the said premises together with all easement, quasi-easement rights attached thereto together with the right of access, right of protection and rite of passage in common.) (Property under our Symbolic Possession)