All that part and parcel of property of: Shop Room no. S-19 (Super buit up area 176.4 sqft) on 1st floor, Nandagarh Shopping & Housing Complex, , 1/A, Kazipara Main Road, PO/PS Barasat, Kolkata- 700124, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. Mouza: Uttarhat, JL No. 78, CS Dag no. 3, RS Dag no. 3 & 3/914, LR Dag no. 8 appertaining to CS & RS Kh. No. 510, LR Dag no. 2287/1 The said property is bounded as follows: On the North: Shop room no. S-9 &Vent, On the South: Market Road, On the East: Shop Room no. S-18, On the West: Shop Room no. S-20.