1. Commercial property of single storey, 04 old shop no. 02,20,26,27 situated at old shanti palace market, khajuri gate Batala distt- Gurdaspur in the name of Sh Shubham Khullar S/o Sh Suresh khullar. MC unit no. BXIV-163. The entry incorporated in the Asessment Register/TS-1 of MC Batala at Sr. 306/B, page no. 92 as mentioned for the year ending 2006-07 to 2015-16, vide registered transfer of ownership deed dated 30.12.2015 Vasika no. 3430 registered in the office of Sub registerar Batala. 04 shop out of which shop no. 26 and 27 merged as 01 shop. Area of shop no. 26 and 27- 481.50 sq feet, shop no. 20-243 SQ FEET, SHOP NO. 02-300 sq feet. (Symbolic Possession) Boundaries Shop Shop Shop Shop No. 2 No.20 No.26 No.27 North Passage Other Other Other Property Property Property South Other Passage Passage Passage Property East Shop No. 1 Shop Shop Shop No.21 No.27 No.28 West Plot No. 3 Shop Shop Shop No.19 No.25 No.26 2. Residential property of triple storey building situated at Bedian Mohalla, Abrola Gali, Batala district Gurdaspur in the name of Sh Ajay Kumar Vij S/o Sh Yash Pal Vij, measuring approx 140 sq yards MC unit no. BXIV-178, incorporated in Asessment Register/TS-1 Sr. 167/A, page no. 76 Circle Batala for the year ending 2002-03 to 2015-16 and registered vide Vasika no. 1322 dated 29.06.2016 (Symbolic Possession) North- Property of UID No.B67-0771 South- Road East- Road West- Other Property 3. Land/ plot approx 10 1/2 marlas out of land measuring 43K-01M (with 5 1/2 ft karam) with measurement 33 ft X 87 ft-1 inch, bearing min jumla khasra no. 92/21/2(4-14), 22(8-0),23/1/1 (6-7), 97//3(8-0), 4(8-0), 7(8-0), khewat no. 1600, 1605, khatoni no. 2241,2246 jamabandi for the year2009-10 situated at Batala Garbi(South city) Tehsil Batala Dist. Gurdaspur in the name of Smt. Anu W/o Sh Vajinder Khullar and smt. Sonal W/o Sh Suresh Khullar, vide registered sale deed dated 08/01/2013 Vasika no. 5936 vahi no. 1 jild no. 4338, page no. 0 registered in the office of Sub registrar Batala vide vide mutation of sale no. 26943 (Symbolic Possession) North-Katcha passage 20 ft wide, South- Other property East- Open plot of Balwant Singh, West- Other property