Property situated in Dakshina Kannada District within the registration sub district of Mangalure City in Mangaluru City Corporation in No. 91 Casba Bazar village in Market ward, ward No. 13 and comprised in T.S. No. 177 (as per conversation order T. S. No IV- 9-177/P4) R.S. No. 564 converted 0-00.60 acres (24 sq mt ) of land in middle portion consisting of building bearing Door No. 13-7-905, with all contents and all mamool easementary rights including rights to road, way, water etc. Boundaries: North by : The other half of the common road South by : Common wall dividing the building sold to A. J. Prakash East by : Common wall dividing the building sold to Shridhar Kamath West by : Common wall dividing the building sold to U.R. Jayadeva