Property 1: Open site situated within the Registration and Sub-Registration district of Bellary and within the City corporation limits of Bellary, located at Old Bangalore road, Near Burial ground, City corporation ward No.26, CMC Ward No.24, CTS Ward No.20, Block No.13, T.S.No.1071/2/2A/28, Old Sy.No 568 & 569, Assessment No.48076/1071/2A Property in the name of Mr Surtha Ram S/o Shankar Ramji Choudhary. Measuring: East to West: 30 Feet North to South 40 Feet Total Area 1200 sqft. Boundaries: East- TS No 1071/2/2A/27 West: TS No 1071/2/2A/29 North: TS No 1071/2/2A/15 South: 30 feet road