Vacant Land in Rajam, Srikakulam Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Maruthi Cotton Mills Pvt Ltd.
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    vacant land
    Property in the name of M/s Maruthi Cotton Mills Pvt Ltd., Purchased under sale Deed Doc No. 614/2014 dated 07.03.2014. Vacant Land to an extent of Ac.0.58 cents in S.N0172/4, Ac.0.26 cents in S.No.172/5 and Ac.O.63 cents in S.No.172/6 with a total extent of Ac.1.47 cents or 0.588 Hectors or 7114.80 sq yds with a single plot along with super structure constructed there upon situated at Garrajucheepurupalli revenue village and panchayat in Rajam Mandal, Srikakulam District, PIN- 535128 with following boundaries. East South West North - Vacant Land of Dharmana Suseela and Road. Vacant Land of Chelikani Subhadra, Saibu and etc. - Vacant Land of Dharmana Leelavathi - Vacant Land of Ponnada Suryanarayana, Nemmadi Chandrakala and Others.
    0.58 cents
    Rajam, Srikakulam
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    EMD submission
    Wed, 27 Dec 2023 04:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Dec 2023 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Asset Recovery Management Branch, Pavan Commercial Complex, Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam, Phone No.8332956773.
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