In Coimbatore Registration Dstrict, in Annur Sub-Registration District., previously in Avinashi Taluk, at present in Annur Taluk, in Ka regoundenpalay am vilage, in G.S No.370/1, an extent of 4.99 acres af land, in this the land-bounded and meas uring: South df-The land of Smt Kamalaveni, West of- The land purchased by R.Mohankumar, North of-The lands of Ruckmani and R.Mohan Kumar, East of -The common land to an extent of 0.02 ace detaled hereunder. In this middle, East-West on the North-96 feet, East-West on the South+ 93 feet; North-South on the East - 57 1eet, North- South on the West-42 feet. Measuring an extent of 4678 SqFt or 11% cents of vacant site and the 1200 Sqft North and South facing tiled roofed residential Duldngs constructed thereon wth doors and windows, and al other appurtenances thereta. The buildings bearng boor No.3/194, New Door No.111. Present New Na.3/194-A, Electricity Service Connection No.34 and ts deposits, etc. Further, in the same area, the pathway, bounded and measuring, West of- The property deta led above, Nortn of-The common ell, South of-Ihe land o Smt Kamaaven, Eastof-The common well and and East west common pathway. In this middle an extent of 0.02 acre or 872 Sq.Ft in this half share to an extent of 0.01 acre or 436 Sq.Ft of East West pathway. Both items totaling an extent of 5114 SqFtof and along with the residential buildings constructed thereon and the pa thway leadng North South, from the well in north south to the east to the above said common pathway and all other appurtenance thereto.