Property no. 3: Vacant site admeasuring 225.89 sq. yards situated at D No. 249/2A, 249/2C, 249/1 and 249/2D, Plot No.67, Etukuru village & Grampanchayat within the limits of new GMC, Guntur sub-district, Guntur district standing in the name of Smt Purimetla Sujatha w/o P Subba Rao vide sale deed no. 4403/2014
Bounded: On the north by: Reserved site - 53’06†On the south by: Plot no. 66 - 53’06†On the east by: 30ft wide road - 38ft On the west by: Landed property belongs to Sivalashetty Sivaya, Tota Suryanageswara Rao and Daksha Ramanjeneylu etc. - 38ft