Registered mortgage of site and building situated at SPSR Nellore Dist. Gudur Registration, Muthukuru Sub Registration, Venkatachalam Mandal, Surveypalli Bit-II Village, Industrial Park, Survey No: 2508-2/6B, 2508- 3/7 comprising of Ac.0-57 Cents or 2307sq meters or 2759.15 sq yards of site and Building in UDL Block Boundaries as per Deed: North: NH-5 to Port Road, South: Private Land, East: Canal, West: Private Land Boundaries As per Actual: North: NH-5 to Port Road, South: Vacant site, East: Canal, West Vacant site with Compound wall. Within the above said boundaries an extent of Ac 0.57 cents or 2307 sqmt or 2759.15 sq yds of site and building with all easementary rights