DESCRIPTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Karur Registration District, Velliyanai SRO, Karur Taluk, Uppidamangalam East Village, S.F.No.205/3 Hec.0.26.0 Acre.0.64. Boundaries: South of the East-West road, East of the land belongs to C.Palaniyappan, North of the land belongs to C.Palaniyappan and West of the land belongs to Ramalingam and Gurusamy. Measurements:- 40 feet in East-West on the both sides and 76-1/2 feet in North-South on the both sides. Total measuring 3060 square feet equal to 284.37 Square meter. Total House site measuring3060 Square feetEqualto 284.37 Square meter. With RCC Residential building bearing Door No.15/1, ST-4 and Property Tax Assessment No.275, Water Tap Connection No.1697 and Electricity Service Connection No.06007003117 and with mamool pathway rights etc., This land is presently covered under following survey number, extent and patta number:- S.F.No.205/3 Hec.0.26.00 Patta No. 1938