Item All that part and parcel of 680 Sq.ft., Undivided share of land out of 1400 Sq.ft. in Sub Divided Plot No.60A, Situated at Old village Nos. 129, 100, 88, 23. New Village No.20 Pammal Village, Visweswarapuram, Vide Sub-Division Planning Permit 184/13, Office Letter No.35/13, dated 25- 11-2013. Comprised in Old S.No.148, Old Patta No.3061, New Patta No.9422. as per Patta New S.No.148/40 in AlandurTaluk (Formerly TambaramTaluk). Kancheepuram District and bounded on the: The boundaries of the property are as under: North by: 30 Feet Wide Road 20 Feet, South by: Plot No.72 20 Feet, East by: Plot No.61 70 Feet, West by: Sub-Divided Plot No.60B: 70 Feet Item II: All that part and parcel of 1060 Sq.ft Undivided share of land out of 1400 Sq.ft. in Sub Divided Plot No.60B, Situated at Old Village Nos. 129, 100, 88, 23. New Village No.20, Pammal Village, Visweswarapuram, Vide Sub-Division Planning Permit 5.184/13, Office Letter 0.35/13, dated 25-11-2013, Comprised in Old S.No.148 Old Patta No.3061, New Patta No.9422, as per Patta New No.148/40, in AlandurTaluk (Formerly TambaramTaluk) Kancheepuram District and bounded on the: The boundaries of the property are as under: North by: 30 Feet Wide Road: 20 Feet, South by: Plot No.72: 20 Feet, East by: Sub-Divided Plot No.60A: 70 Feet. West by: Plot No. 59:70 Feet Schedule of the Property Hereby Deposited Flat No.AF-2, in First Floor, Plinth area of 696 Sq.ft., including car parking, together with 360 Sq.ft. Undivided share of land in the above said "TOTAL PROPERTY" Plot No.60A and 60B will have a common entrance. Situated within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub Registration District of Pammal. Encumbrances: Subsequent the equitable in favour of Can