Immovable Property : Residential Property including construction thereof bearing City Survey No. 292/2 T. P. Scheme No. 2. F. P. No. 4/1, Block No. D -613 on 6th Floor of 352 L. I. G. 2. GHB Colony, Haveli Wadi, Girnar Height, College Road, Regi. Sub-District Junagadh and District Junagadh Adm 45.00 Sq. Mtrs. Boundaries : North : Internal Road at Ground Level 6.00 Mtrs. Wide Road, South Adj. Passage and Flat No. LTG-2, D/602, East: Adj. Flat No. LTG-II D/614. West: Adj. Flat No. LTG-IID/612