Equitable Mortgage of property consisting of Plot of land and Tenament Residential House in the name of Mrs. Seema Maheshkumar Chanchlani admeasuring about 149.35 Sq.Mts. together with construction standing thereon situated and lying on freehold N.A land bearing city survey No. 10039 Paiki admeasuring 60.02 Sq.Yd. i.e 50.33 Sq.Mts. Plot No. 261 paiki admeasuring about 60.02 Sq. Yard i.e 50.33 sq.mtr. + City Survey No. 10040 paiki Plot No. 262 paiki admeasuring about 20.06 Sq. Mtr. of Mouje ward Sardarnagar Taluka: Asharwa (Old Taluka City) Dist. Ahmedabad in registration Sub Distt. Ahmedabad-06 (Naroda) State of Gujrat. Bounded by : East : Internal Road, West : Plot No. 264, North : Plot No. 262, South : Society Internal Road