Poultry Shed And Land in Musunuru, Krishna District Central Bank of India Central Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Benarjee Poultry Farms
    Bank Name
    Central Bank of India
    Property Type
    poultry shed and land
    Description of Properties SI.No.2 : Total Extent: Acres 17.765 Cents (Acres 15.68 Cents + Acres 2.085 Cents) i) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 4.40 Cents in situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru- Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed 5.9944/2006, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by :North: PantaKaluva South :Property of T Rama Rao, LakshmanaRao& Others East Musunuru to Valasapali Road West :PantaKaluva (ii) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 4.10 Cents in No.98/2A situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru-Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed o.5495/2006, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by :North: Property of Ch Srinivasa Rao& Others South : Panta Kaluva East Property of C hNacharaiahetc. West: Remaining Property of Nageswara Rao (iii) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 5.18 Cents in No.367/3, situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru-Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed 6.6021/2006, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by North: Property of Ch Srinivasa Rao to some extent & D Kanthi Kumar to some extent South Property of T Rama Rao, Lakshna Rao& Others, East: Panta Kaluva to some extent & Property of K Prathibha Bharathi West: Property of B SimhadriApparao to some extent & TVala Rajuetc to some extent (iv) All that the property of poultry shed and land asuring Acre 1.00 Cents in RSNo.99/2, situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru- Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed No.536/2008, standing in the name of Mrs. Kanakamedala Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by :North :Property of sons of M Yesu Babu South :PantaKaluva East Property of Sons of M Yesu Babu West: Property of Ch Nachari (V) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 1.00 Cents in 100/2, situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru-Valasapall Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed No.6955/2007, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by :North :Property of sons of M Yesu Babu, South:Property of P Prakash and his Brothers East :Musunuru to Valasapalli West Propertyofs of M Yesu Babu Total Extent: Acres 2.085 Cents. (i) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 1.035 Cents in S No .98/2B, situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru-Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed No. 4593/2009, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by North :Property of Ch Venkatesara Rao, South PantaKaluva East :Property of K Prathibha Bharathi West :Property of VenkatesaraRao (ii) All that the property of poultry shed and land admeasuring Acre 1.05 Cents in No 98/2B, situated at Musunuru Village &Mandal, Musunuru-Valasapalli Road, Krishna Dist., vide Regd Sale Deed No.6739/2012, standing in the name of Mrs. K Prathibha Bharathi W/o Mr. Venkata Sandeep, under EM to the Bank and bounded by :North: Property of ChVenkatesara Rao, South :PantaKaluva Eas: Property of M esuDasu West :Property of K Prathibha Bharathi
    17.765 Cents
    Musunuru, Krishna District
    Krishna District
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 31 Aug 2023
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    Bank Contact Details
    BENZ CIRCLE BRANCH, VIJAYAWADA-520 010 : - VIJAYAWADAREGION TEL : 0866 - 2472608 E-MAIL : bmvija1567@centralbank.co.in
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