Shop in Vadhvan, Surendranagar Central Bank of India Central Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Hincasa Corporation (I) Pvt Ltd
    Bank Name
    Central Bank of India
    Property Type
    1)Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mr. Chintan Himanshu Thakkar Shop No. And 9 On Ground Floor, Total Admeasuring 66.53 Sq. Yards I.E. 55.63 Sq. Mtrs. Situated At Opposite Jain Derasar, Nr. Saurashtra Vasan Bhandar, Duly Constructed Upon Land Bearing City Survry No. 1351 and 1352 Of Surendranagar City Survey Ward-2, Being Lying And Situate At Mouje Surendranagar, Taluka: Vadhvan, District: Surendranagar Gujarat Bounded By: East: City Survey No. 1354 And 1355. West: Passage north: City Survey No 1360. South: Road Shop No 8 and 9 Are Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deeds. East: Passage West: Shop No. 11 And 12 North: City Sur Vey No. 1360. South: Toilet Block 2) Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mr. Chintan Himanshu Thakkar Shop No. 11,14 And 10 Paiki Northern Side Space Total Admeasuring 22.64 Sq. Yards I.E. 18.93 Sq. Mtrs. On Ground Floor, Situate Opposite Jain Derasar, Nr. Saurasthra Vasan Bhandar, Duly Constructed Upon Land Bearing City Survey No. 1351 And 1352 of Surendranagar City Survey Ward-2, Being, Lying And Situate At Mouje Surendranagar, Taluka: Vadhvan, District: Surendranagar Gujarat Shop No. 10 Is Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deed: East: Passage West: Passage, North: Shop BI 11 South: Stair, Shop No. 11 Is Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deed. East: Shop No. 9 West: Passage North: Shop No. 12 South: Shop No. 10 Shop No. 14 Is Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deed East: Passage West: Other Property North: Shop No. 13 South: Shop No. 15 3. Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mr. Chintan Himanshu Thakkar Bearing Office No. 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 And 14 On First Floor Total Admeasuring 150.30 Sq. Yards I.E. 125.67 Sq. Mtrs. Along With Right To First Floor To Sky, Situate Opposite Jain Derasar, Nr. Saurasthra Vasan Bhandar, Duly Constructed Upon Land Bearing City Survey No. 1351 and 1352 of Surendranagar City Survey No. 1351 And 1352 of Surendranagar City Survey Ward-2 Being Lying and Situate At Mouje: Surendranagar, Taluka: Vadhvan, District: Surendranagar Gujarat. East: City Survey No. 1354 And 1355 West City Survey No. 1349 North: Rana Chambers South: Office No. 1 To 4. 4. Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mr. Chintan Himanshu Thakkar Bearing Office No. 3 and 4 On First Floor Total Admeasuring 39.92 Sq. Yards I.E. 33.58 Sq. Mtrs., Situate Opposite Jain Derasar, Nr. Saurashtra Vasan Bhandar, Duly Constructed Upon Land Bearing City Survey No. 1351 And 1352 of Surendranagar City Survey Ward-2, Being Lying Situate At Mouje: Surendranagar, Taluka: Vadhvan, Dist: Surendranagar Gujarat office No. 3 Is Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deed. East: Office No. 4 West: Road north: Stair South: Road office No. 4 Is Bounded As Under As Mentioned In Title Deed. East: City Survey No. 1354 and 1355 West Office No. 3 North: Office No. 5 South Road 5. Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mr. Chintan Himanshu Thakkar Bearing Open Terrace Space Upon Office No. 1 To 4 Upto Sky. Total Admeasuring 89.96 Sq. Yards I.E. 75.22 Sq. Mtrs. Situate Opposite Jain Derasar, Nr. Saurashtra Vasan Bhandar, Duly Constructed Upon Land Bearing City Survey No. 1351 And 1352 of Surendranagar City Survey Ward-2, Being Lying And Situate At Mouje: Surendranaagr, Taluka: Vadhavan, District: Surendranagar, Gujarat, East City Survey No. City Survey No. 1354 And 1355, West :City Survey No.1349, North Open Terrace of Office No. 5 To 14, South Road 6. Equitable Mortgage of Property In The Name of Mrs. Ninaben Himanshubhai Thakkar Bearing Sub Plot No. 11, Having Plot of Land Admeasuring 327.84 Sq. Mtrs Alongwith Construction Admeasuring 135 Mtrs, Included In Records of Wadhwan City Survey Ward-3 By City Survey No. 158, Forming Part of Land of Final Plot No. 156 of Wadhwan Town Planning Scheme No. Situated In Rajiv Operative Housing Society Limited Near Old Women Centre, Being, Lying And Situated At Mouje Wadhwan, Taluka Wadhwan And District Surendranagar Gujarat, East: 63.00 Feet Block No. 12 and Compound Wall West: 63.00 20 Feet Wide Road North: 55.00 Feet Block No. 12 And Compund Wass South Other Land of Tejalben Chandulal Thakkar
    66.53 Sq Yards
    Vadhvan, Surendranagar
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Mon, 24 Jun 2024 01:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Mon, 24 Jun 2024 03:00 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    14-06-2024 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
    Bank Contact Details
    Mr. Vishnu Kumar Sharma, (M): 8103522858
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