All the piece or parcel of the land bearing at Flat No 5, Third Floor Admeasuring 1730 Sq. Ft. I. E. 160.78 Sq. Mtr. Super Built Up Area 112.55 Sq. Mtr. Built-up Area Alongwith Undivided Share In The Land Admeasuring 12.60 Sq. Mtr. Bearing Karchelia Village Panchayat House No. 1561 On Third Floor Of Building Named "Khushabu Complex Constructed On Village Karchelia Block No. 677/66 Non-agricultural Land Admeasuring 520.80 Sq. Mtr. Situated At Karchelia Tal. Mahuva Dist Surat In The Name Of Mr. Ankit Nareshbhai Patel. Bounded by: East: Open Land, West Flat No. 4, North Road, . South: Open Land.