1. All the piece and parcel of Commercial Property: Shop No.124, owned by Ms. Hansaben S. Khilolani admeasuring 25.43 Sq. Mt. and undivided land area of 7.54sq mtrs on first floor of Jalu Arcade inRegistration Dist : Anand, Sub Dist : Vallabh vidhyanagar, CS No. 234, which is bounded as follows : Towards East : 1st Floor Shope No. 123, Towards West : After leaving OTS Margin, road, Towards North : st Floor Shope No. 125, Towards South: After leaving OTS Margin, Vidhyanagar Dairy. 2. All the piece and parcel of Commercial Property - Shop No.125, owned by Mr Deepak S. Khilolani admeasuring 25.43 Sq. Mt. and undivided land area of 7.54 sq.mtrs on first floor of Jalu Arcade in Registration Dist : Anand, Sub Dist : Vallabh vidhy anagar, CS No. 234, whichis bounded as follows : Towards East: 1st Floor Shope No. 123, Towards West: After leaving OTS Margin, road, Towards North: 1st Floor Shope No. 126, Towards South: 1 st Floor Shope No. 124.