East Godavari District Atreyapuram Sub-Registry, Atreyapuram Mandal, Utchili village taluk, Utchili Gram Panchyathi limits, Utchili village in S.No.33/1a full extent ac 7.80 cents in which on northern side in middle 706.43 square yards of side and RCC Upstairs building there in bearing Door. No.1-62 equivalent to new Door No. 1-54 bounded Measured by: ITEM 1 related to site: East: Wall belongs to Namburi Satyanaryana Raju . 40.3ft., South: Upstairs building to some extent belongs to Vegnesa Appala Narasimha Raju, Siva Rama Krishna Raju and Site to some extent-115.6 ft., West: Road leads from Utchili to Vasanthawada-40.oft, North: Item No.2 to some extent and daba house of Saripella Satyanarayana Raju to some extent-115.06ft. Within the above boundaries an extent 515 Square yards or 430.59 square meters of site and RCC upstairs building there in including electrical service connection. ITEM 2 related to site: East: Wall belongs to Namburi Satyanarayana Raju-44.09ft. South: Item No.1 -41.0ft. West: Daba House of Saripella Satyanarayana Raju to some extent - 44.09ft. North: Joint passage way-36.0ft. Within in the above boundaries an extent 191.43 Square yards or 160.05 square meters of site, the above two items come to 706.43 sq.yds of site and with all usual and easementary rights.