Property of Flat No. 2A, in Door No. 1-282/2A, Second Floor "Sri Lahari" Apartment with Plinth Area of 900 Sq. Ft., common Area of 180 Sq. ft., Car parking Area of 112.0 Sq. ft., together with an undivided joint extent of 53.50 Sq. Yds., out of total extent of 628.56 Sq. yards, in R. S. No. 8/3, 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, Plot No. 1 Situated at "Srinivasa Gruhakalpa" Yakamuru Village, Yakamuru Gram Panchayat area, Thotlavalluru Mandal, Vuyyuru Sub Registry, Krishna District, site is being Bounded by East: R & B Road 56.2 Ft.; * South : Property of others 94.9 ft.; * West Plot No. 2, 56.10 Ft.; * North : 40 Ft. wide Road 105.6 Ft. Flat 2A, Double Bed Room in First Floor of "Sri Lahari" Apartment; * East : Open to Sky; * South Open to Sky; * West Common Corridor, Stair case and Lift; * North: Open to Sky