Property situate in Krishnagiri District, Krishnagiri Registration District Bargur Sub Registration District Krishnagiri Taluk, Bargur Village in Sy. 640/1B, cents, Asst s.6.81 in this New Sub division Sy.No.640/1B5 measuring in area of 1150 Sq.feet land in inclusive of house bearing No.81/130, Textiles Market road, Bargur and bounded by:- To the West of : Land belongs to Mr.Govindaraj and others, To the North of : House belongs to Mr. Muniraj, To the East of Land belongs to Mrs. Rangammal, 8 feet wide common road, To the South of House belongs to Mrs. Pachammal. In the midst measuring:- East to west 50 feet, South to North 23 feet. totally measuring an extent of 1150 Sq. feet land with R.C.C house along with common way and all easement rights. The above said property bearing EBSC No. 14. (Physical Possession)