All that piece and parcel of the Land, admeasuring- 200 Sq.Mtrs., bearing Gat No. 240/2 (New). 168/26 (Old) and R.C.C. Construction thereupon, admeasuring- 78.06 Sq. Mtrs., (i.e. 840.00 Sq. Feet), bearing House/Property No. 372, T.S.No.5. Situated at Ward No. 1 of Mouza- Murmadi/Sa, Tah. Lakhani, Dist. Bhandara and the property is bounded as under: On the East: House of Mr. Anandrao Kholkute, On the West: House of Mr. Ganpat Panchbhai, On the North: Land of Samarth Mahavidyalaya, On the South: 15 Feet. Road.