Belongs to Sub-R.D., Villiyanur Commune Cadastre 125 pt. Overall Part Measuring and extend of : Square feet with Building Common Path Way. West of 3: Belongs to Mr.Kamalathasan. Villiyanur Commune Panchayat, Cadastre No. 125 pt, Overall Part Measuring an extend of Square feet with building. Loganathan Gunasekaran Land, Mr.Elumalai, S/o. Mr. Panchayat, Village No.49 Extend : 3780 Square feet East West :15 feet, Boundaries:- South of Kamaladasan House East S/o. Mr.Arumugam, Village No.49. Mangalam Extend:3780 Square feet East West :15 feet. South Boundaries: South of Street, East of Ezhumalai Arumugam : Puducherry R.D., Villiyanur Mangalam Village, R.S.No.95/35 in the part of Northern Side Wester South North : 66 feet an extent of 990 Street, North of Muruguan Land and of Thulasi & Mani Land Schedule Puducherry R.D., Villiyanur Sub-R.D., Revenue Village, R.S.No.95/35. in the part of Northern Side Eastern North : 66 feet and extend of 990 North of Murugan Land, West of House.