A-SCHEDULE (Description of Site) - An extent of 261.06 Sq. Yards or 218-28 Sq. Meters of vacant residential site bearing R. S. No. 93/2A, Plot No. 15, Nearest Door No. 8-14, situated at Ramavarappadu, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, within the jurisdiction of Office of the District Registrar Vijayawada East (Gunadala), Krishna District, between the following Boundries East 24 Ft. wide Bazar-37'-0"; South Property bearing Plot No. 14-63-6"; West Property of Inuganti Lakshmi Narasimha Sarma 37'-0"; North : Property of Kuncha Edukondalu bearing Flat No. 16-63'-6" In between the above Boundaries 261-06 Sq. Yards or 218-28 Sq. Meters of site in which undivided & unspecified joint share of 23 Sq. Yards or 19-23 Sq. Mtrs. of site only. B-SCHEDULE (Description of Flat) Residential Group House constructing in A-Schedule total extent of site, in the name and style of "SANTHI NILAYAM" in which semi finished Flat No. S. F-3 in SECOND FLOOR, being Bounded by East Flat S. F-2; South : Open to Sky; West Open to Sky; North : Corridor and Staircase In between the above boundaries Flat having a Plinth Area of 556 Sq. Feet, Common Area of 120 Sq. Feet with 2-Wheeler Parking Area of 25 Sq. Feet with all easement rights