The part and parcel of an extent of 1.75 Ares of property in Re Sy No. Possession 84/1 [Old Sy No. 52/16B] with wayn Vazhakkala village, made up of 1.35 Ares and 0.40 Ares in the joint possession of Mr. Satheesh kumar and his wife Mrs. layasree as perthe following deeds (1) 1.35 Ares of property along with the house in it bearingNo.8/ per Sale Deed No. 216/00dated 5/3/05 Regd in Book No. 1. Vol No. 335. Pages 37 40 of SRO Thrikkakkara (2) 0.40 Ares as perSale Deed No. 312/01 dated 14/2/01Regd in Book No. 1, Vol No 359 Pages 13 to 15 of SROThrkkakkara This 1.35 Ares lies on the eastern side of 0.40 Ares. Thus they are lying together andcontiguously Boundaries as per Title Deed-Related to 1.35+ 0.40=1.75 Ares North Road, South Property of Narayanan, East Property of Francis, West Properties ofShamsudeen & Santhosh Extent of Land Extent of Land Extent of Land 1.35+0.40=1.75 Ares (As per Title deed], 1.35+ 0.40=1.75Ares [As per Village records)