All that Flat No. .303 on the 3rd Floor on South-Eastern Side measuring 974 Sq.ft. a super builtup area in the building known as Sattam Apartment together with undivided Proportionate Share in the land and building measuring 5 Cottahs 25 Sq.ft. In Mouza -Bhadrakali JL. No.9 RS Dag No. 1658, RS Khatian, No.6 corresponding to LR Dag No. 3777, L.R. Khatian Nos. 4987, 5142, 5752 being Municipal Holding No. 10, School Lane under Uttarpara Kotrung Municipality, PS Bhadrakali, PS-Uttarpara ADSR Uttarpara, District Hooghly. Which is butted and bounded as follows: On the North by Other's Property, On the South by: Municipal Road (School Lane), On the West by: Municipal Road (Harish Dey Lane), On the East by Property of B. Banerjee