Immovable Properties Mortgaged to our Bank (Properties Owned by Mr. T. Balasubramanian, S/o. Thangavel) Schedule . A Item No 1 : Tirupur Registration District, Joint II Sub-Registartion District Tirupur City Corporation Limits, Ward No.43, Kangeyampalayam Pudur 2nd Street, Tiruppur Village, S.F.No.252/1 (Part), New Survey T.S.No.61, Ward G. Block No.5 to an extent of 4,1661/2 Sq.ft. bounded as follows North of : T.S.Nos.62 and 68. South of : T.S.No.60 East of : T.S.No.61 Part, West of : T.S.No.68 Within this in the Northern Side East-West 69% feet, Eastern Side North-South . 59 Feet, Southern Side East-West 72% feet from this point North Side, North-South . 44 1/4 feet. from this point Eastern Side East-West . 31/2 feet from this point North Side North-South - 12 1/2 feet Totally Admeasuring 4, 166% Sq.ft. of Land in Full Item No.2 : Tiruppur Registration District, Joint II Sub-Registration District Tirupur City Corporation Limits, Kangeyampalayam Pudur 2nd Street, Tirupur Village, S.F.No.252/1 (Part). New Survey No.T.S.No.61 Ward . G. Block No.5 to an extent of 1,318 Sq.ft. bounded as follows North of T.S.No.62 Part, South of T.S.No.18 and a Extension Road East of T.S.No.61 Part West of T.S.Nos.61 and 60 within this in the Northern Side East-West Cross 361/2 feet, Western Side North-South 80% feet, Southern Side East-West - 11 1/4 feet from this Point North Side, North-South 4414 feet, from this point Eastern Side East-West . 31/2 feet from this point North Side North-South . 69 feet. Totally Admeasuring 1,318 Sq.ft. of Land in Full. The Total of both the Items are 1,66% Sq.t ft. and 1,318 Sq.t = 5,4841/2 Sq.ft. along with usual Cartway, Pathway and all appurtenances and attachments thereon Schedule . B An undivided share of land to an Extent of 497.143 Sq.ft (46.19 Square meter) in the Schedule A Property above. Schedule . C In the Apartments as Smart Apartments approved by DTCP, Chennai Vide No. 178/2008 Dated 08-09-2008, a Triple Bed Room Apartments in the Ground Floor Numbered as 1A Totally measuring 1,124 Sq.ft super Builtup Area inclusive of Common Area. House Tax No.43133823 (Door 5/1A). Water Connection E.B.No.03-207-005-6425.