Schedule . B : (Property Owned by Mr. Mohamed Ali Jinnah, S/o. Mr. Mohamed Sultan) In Pudukkottai District Pudukkottai Taluk and Pudukkottai RD and Sub-Registration District Pudukkottai Town Municipal Limit, Pudukkottai Town, Pillai Thanneer Pandal, Kalif Nagar 2nd Street Northern Stretch, To the North of Kalif Nagar 2nd Street and Thorana Vaikkal. To the South of Municipal Conservancy Lane, To the East of Mohamed Sultan House, To the West of House bearing T.S.No.7794/31, In which a House Site and RCC Roofed House built therein in T.S. No 7794/30. Measurements East -West Southern side 24 Jadhiyadi, East - West Northern side 241/2 Jadhiyadi, South . North 80 Jadhiyadi. Totally 1,940 Sq Feet The New Town Survey Number for this Property is 9778 Very Old Ward No 31, Old Ward No 22 New Ward No 37 Revenue Block No. 148