House in Kangayam, Tirupur City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Apple Apparels
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    Tiruppur District Tiruppur RD, Kangayam Sub-Registration Dt. Kangayam Taluk, Sivanmalai Village R.S No.845/1, P.A. 5.86, Kist 3.30 in which an extent of P.A. 4.93 kist 2.77 (Old F.No 1167P.A.5.86 kist 3.30) R.S. No 845/2 P.A. 2.69 kist 1.50 (Old No.1166 P.A. 2.69. kis 11.50) R.S.No.840 P.A. 22.51, kist 12.61 in which an extent of P.A. 10.46 on the Southern side (Old No 1168 A22.51 kist 12.61). The above lands have been laid out a House Sites and named as G.N. Garden, Item-1 As per the Lay-out plan the site No.237-1 with extent of 1,3121/2 sq. Ft (121.93 sq.m.) measuring East- West 12% ft. on both the sides, North-South 105 ft. on both the sides. Boundaries East of Site No.237- J. South of East-West Lay-out Road of 30 ft width West of Site No 5.237-H, North of other 3rd Pary Land, Along wit all other pathway and other easementary rights appurtenant thereto. Item 2 In the same Lay-out the Western Portion of site 200 with an extent of 1,200 sq.ft. (111.48 sq.m.) measuring Eat-West 20 ft. on both the sides, North-South 60 ft. on both the sides. Boundaries East of Site No 201. South of Site o.206, West of Eastern portion of Site No 200. North of East-West Lay-out Road of 40 ft. width. Along with all other Pathway and other easementary rights appurtenant thereto. Item 3 In the same Lay-out the Western Portion of site No. 206 with an extent of 1,080 sq.ft. (100.33 sq.m.) measuring st-West 18 ft. on both the sides, North-South 60 ft. on both the sides. Boundaries East of Site No 205. South of East-West Lay-out Road of 30 ft. width West of Eastern Portion of Site No 206. North of One portion of Site .200, Along with all other Pathway and other easementary rights appurtenant thereto. Item 4 In the Same Lay-out the Eastern Portion of Site No.236 with an extent of 2,398% sq ft. (222.88 sq.m.) measuring East-West 23% ft. on the North, East-West 22 ft. on the South 106 on both sides Boundaries East of Western Portion of Site No.236 South of East-West Lay-out Road of 30 ft. width West of Site No 235, North of other 3rd Party Land Along with all other Pathway and other easementary rights appurtenant thereto. Item-5: In the same Lay-out the Portion of site No 223 with an extent of 3,585 1/2 sq.ft (333.10sq.m.) measuring East-West 56 ft on the North East-West 45 ft. on the South and North-South 73 ft on the East, North-South 69ft on the West Boundaries East of North-SouthLay-out Road 40ft width South of other 3rd Party Land West of Site No. 224, North of East-West Lay -out Road of 30ft. width Along with all other Pathway and other easementary rights appurtenant thereto
    3,585 1/2 Sq Ft
    Kangayam, Tirupur
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Tue, 01 Aug 2023
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    Bank Contact Details
    Telephone No :- 0421-2216124 / Cell No :- 9382741212
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