Land And Building in Dharapuram, Tirupur City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Srri Balajagathambal Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    land and building
    Immovable Properties Mortgaged to our Bank Schedule - A : (Properties Owned by M/s. Srri Balajagathambal Spinning Mills) Item No.1: All piece and parcel of land and building along with building under construction and to be putup at future at Tiruppur Registration District, Mulanur Sub-Registration District, Dharapuram Taluk, Puduppai Vilage, in Old S.F.No. 137/A, in Re.S. F.No. 137/A2, Punja Hectare 1.43.5, in Punja Acre 3.54 full extend. (New Sub-Division Nos. 137/A2A, 137/A2B, 137/A2C are Full). Further in the same Village Old S.F 137/B, in Re.S.F.No. 137/B2, Punja Hectare 0.05.0, in Punja Hectare 0.12½ Further in same Village Old S.F. No. 137/B, in Re.S.F.No. 137/B3, Punja Hectare 0.64.0, in this Well Vari, Common Land Punja Acre 0.05 in this Common Half Punja Acre 0.02½. (New Sub-Division No. 137/B3A), Further in the same Village Old S.F.No. 137/A, in Re.S.F. No. 137/A1, Punja Hectare 1.06.5 in this Well Vari Common Land Punja Acre 0.05, Punja Acre D.02½. Total Punja Acre 3.71½. Item No.2: Tiruppur Registration District, Mulanur Sub-Registration District, Dharapuram Taluk, Puduppai Village, in Old S.F. No. 138/A, Punja Acre 4.78, in Re.S.F.No. 138/A2, Punja Hectare 0.67.0, in Punja Acre 1.65 full extent and all pathway rights situated within the following boundaries: North of : Murugesa Gounder Vahayara Share fence, South of : S.F. No. 137/C Land and Item No. 1, S.F.No. 137/A2 Land, East of: Palanisamy Gounder Land in S.F.No. 138/A1. West of : S.F.No. 132, 133 Lands. Total an extent of Punja Acre 5.36½ with Spinning Mill Building in D.No. 3/704, with Electric Services and all appurtenance thereon
    Dharapuram, Tirupur
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Mon, 09 Dec 2024
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    Bank Contact Details
    Telephone No 04257-261561 & Cell No 9344038625
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