Immovable Properties Mortgaged to our Bank Schedule A: (Property Owned by Mr. Baskar Mani, S/o. Mani) All that Piece and Parcel of Land and Residential Building in Cuddalore Registration District Kadampuliyur Sub-Registration District Situated at Visur Village i) in Ayan Punjai, Survey New NO.395/1, Hec 0.26.0 Ares. At Present Natham Survey No. 547/9,0.00236 Sq Meter. Natham Survey No. 576/10, 00354 Sq. Meter in all 0.00590 Sq Meter and Related Old Survey No. 720/1, Acre 3.15 Cent Bounded to: East of Appavu, Sarangapani, Kathirvel Sites, West of Ramalingams Site. South of Mani Site, North of Road, Within the Boundaries: East to West 7 Feet and South to North 78 Feet, Totally 546 Sq Feet = 50.74 Sq Meter. Schedule B: (Property Owned by Mr. Baskar Mani, S/o. Mani) All that Piece and Parcel of Land and Residential Building in Cuddalore Registration District Kadampuliyur Sub-Registration District Situated at Visur Village ii) in Ayan Punjai. Survey New NO.399/5, Hec 0.04.0 Ares and related Old Survey No. 721/1. Acre 0.10 Cent Bounded to: East of Mani Site, West of Manikandan Site, South of Kalyan, North of Sarangapani, Arumugam Site, Within the Boundaries 0.03 % Cent its say 1,635 Sq Feet = 151.95 Sq Meter.