Item No.1 Land and factory building bearing Door Nos 2/279 & 2/280 situated at Registration District of Palayamkottal, Ettayapuram Sub-Registration Circle, Duraiyur Minor Panchayat. Duraiyur Village Survey Number 176/5 located to the Extent Within four boundaries measures 1.33 Acres Boundaries North by land belongs to Mr. Ganapathynadar South by East West Cart pathway, East by 2nd item (previously belonged to Mr. Ramaiahmoopanar, West by Land belongs to Mr. Ramaiahmoopar. Item No.2 Land and factory building bearing Door Nos 2/279 & 2/280 situated at Registration District of Palayamkottai, Ettayapuram Sub-Registration Circle Duraiyur Minor Panchayat, Duraiyur Village Survey Number 176/6 located to the Extent Within four boundaries measures 1.35 Acres. Boundaries North by land belongs to Mr. Vellaisamynadar, South by East-West Odai, Eastby Land belongs to Mr. Ponnajahthevar Westby 1st Item of Schedule Item No.3 Land and factory building situated at Registration District of Palayamkottai, Ettayapuram Sub-Registration Circle, Duraiyur Minor Panchayat Duraiyur Village Survey Number 176/9 now the Sub-division Survey Number is 176/98 as per Patta Number 1881 located to the Extent Within four boundaries measures 1.27 Acres out of 1.51 Acres in which 1/6 share Boundaries Not given in the deed