Land And Building in Tiruchengode, Namakkal City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Sony Borewells
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    land and building
    Namakkal Registration District and Tiruchengode Sub-Registration District, Tiruchengode Taluk, Tiruchengode Village, S. No. 124/1, it has been assigned the New S.No. 124/1 A in the total extent of Punja Hector 1.25.0 of Land, Municipal Ward No. 21, Malaikkavalar Kovil Street. Total Extent of 2300 + 2299 + 389 + 735 = 5,723 Sq.ft., of land. Boundaries - Item No.1:- East to • The Property relating to One Professor Muthusamy, South to • The Property Identified as Item No.2 in is! Bit. West to - The Property relating to Present bile Holder, North t0 - The Property relating to one M. Muthu Boopathirajan. Measurements: East to West (on Norther side) - 62.3 feet, East to West (on Southern side) - 53.5 feet, South to North (on Easter side) - 41 feet. South to North (on Western side) - 40 feet, Extent 2,300 Sq.ft., of Land (The above said property as per Town Survey Ward - G. Block - 8 T.S.L.R.No.82/B). Boundaries - Item No.2:: (1st Bit) - South to - The Property identified as 2nd and 3rd Bits, West to - The Property relating to Present Title Holder, North to - The Property identified as Item No.1, East to - The Property relating Professor Muthusamy. Measurements: East to West (on Norther side) - 69 feet, East to West (on Southern side) - 62.25 feet, South to North (on Western side) -29 feet. South to North (on Eastern side)- 37.50 feet. Extent 2,299 Sq.ft., of Land. (2nd Bit) - South - The Property relating to Present Title Holder, North - The Property identified as 1st Bit, East - The Property identified as 3rd Bit. Measurements : - East to West (on Northern side) - 62.25 feet, East to West (on Southern side) - 52,50 feet, South to North (on Western side) - 16.50 feet, Extent 389 Sq.ft., of land in Triangle Shape (The above said property as per Town Survey Ward-G, Block-8 T.S.L.R.No.82/1B). (3rd Bit)-East and South The property relating to Present Title Holder, North The Property relating to Professor Muthusamy and above Property, West - The Property relating to Present Title Holder and 2nd Bit, Measurements : -East to West on both the sides 9.7 feet, South to North on Eastern side 21.2 feet, South to North on Western Side-20.0 feet, Extent 199 Sq.ft., of Land (The above said property as per Town Survey Ward-G, Block-8 T.S.L.R.No.82/1B) Extent - 2nd Bit : East to West on both the sides 26.85 feet, South to North on both the sides 20.0 feet, Extent-536 Sq.ft.. of Land (The above said property as per Town Survey Ward-G, Block-8 T.S.L.R.No.80-Part). Total extent (2300+2299 +389 + 735) + 5,723 Sq.ft., of land with all appurtenances accessories and all passage and easementary rights attached therein. Schedule - D : (Property Owned by Mr. N. Gunasekaran, S/o. Natarajan) Namakkal Registration District and Sub-Registration District, Thiruchengodu Taluk, Thiruchengodu Village, Survey Number : 124/1, As Per Town Survey : Ward G, Block No.8, TSLR No.82/2, Total extent : 6,928 Sq.ft. of Land. Boundaries : Item No. 1 : 1,078 Sq.ft. of Land. West to : 10 feet Breadth Road running into South-West Direction, East to : The Property relating to Raju @ Thambiran, North to : The Property relating to Muthusamy and Thangavel, South to Malaikavalar Kovil Land. Measurement : East to West (On both the Sides) 49 feet, South to North (On both the Sides) 22 feet, Extent : 1,078 sq.ft. of Land, Boundaries : Item No. 2 : 1,237% Sq.ft. of Land. East to : The Property relating to T. Muthusamy Vagayara ,South and West to : The Property relating to the Present title holder, North to : 20 feet Breadth road running into East-West Direction, East to West (On both the Sides) 27% feet, South to North (On both the Sides) 45 feet, Extent : 1,237% sq.ft. of land, Boundaries : Item No. 3 : 3,510 sq.ft. of Land. East to : The Property Identified in Item No.1, South to : The Property relating to the present title holder, West to : 10 feet breadth Road from Malaikavalar Koil Land, North to : The Property relating to one Bakkiyam and Sengodan. Measurement : East to West, (On Southern Side) 52 feet(On Northem Side) 49 feet, South to North (On Eastern Side) 67 feet (On Western Side) 72 feet Extent : 3,510 Sq.ft of Land. Boundaries : Item No. 4 : East to : The Property relating to Bakkiyam land, West and South to : The Property relating to the present title Holder, North to : 20 feet breadth Municipal Road. Measurement : East to West (On both Sides) 24% feet, South to North (On both Sides) 45 feet, Extent : 1,102% Sq.ft. of Land. Total Extent : 1,078 + 1,237% +3,510 + 1,102% = 6,928 Sq.ft. land and a building bearing Door No.10/1 with all passage and easementary rights attached therein.
    Tiruchengode, Namakkal
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 27 Nov 2024
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    Bank Contact Details
    Telephone No 04288-256356 Cell No 9344038628
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