Schedule E (Property Owned By M.Senthilkaniraja) ITEM 1 Land situated at Palayamkottai Registration District Kovilpatti Sub-Registration circle, Kovilpatti panchayat Union, Manthithoppu Panchayat Limit, Manthithoppu Survey Number-350/1A 350/1B, 350/3 The Property is Bounded North by: 20 Feet wide East-West Road, South by: Plot Number-16 5 East by: 20 Feet wide South-North Road West by: Plot Number-10 Extent: Plot Number -8 East-West on the North-25 Feet and on the South-36 Feet South-North on the East-53 Feet and on the West-50 Feet that is 1570.75 Sq Feet. Plot Number - 9 East-West on the North-30 Feet and on the South-30 Feet South-North on the East-50 Feet and on the West-49.50 Feet that is 1492.50 Sq Feet. ITEM 2 Land Situated at Palayamkottai Registration District Kovilpatti, Sub-Registration Circle, Kovilpatti Panchayat Union, Manthithoppu Panchayat Limit, Manthithoppu Survey Number 350/1A, 350/1B, 350/3 The Property is Bounded North by: Plot Number 8. 9, 10, 11. 12 South by: 20 Feet Wide East West Road East by: 20 Feet Wide South North Road West by: Kovilpatti to Kurumalai Road Extent Plot Number 13: East-West on the North-58 and on the South-40.75 Feet South-North on the East 48.50 and on the West-51 Feet that is 2456.40 Sq. feet Plot Number 14: East-West on the North-30 Feet and on the South-30 Feet South-North on the East -49.25 Feet and on the West- 48.50 Feet that is 1466.25 Sq. Feet Plot Number 15: East-West on the North-30 Feet and on the South-30 Feet South-North on the East-50 Feet and on the West-49.25 Feet that is 1488.75 Sq. Feet Plot Number 16: East-West on the North-36 Feet and on the South-32 Feet South-North on the East-51.75 Feet and on the West-50 Feet that is 1729 3/4 Sq. Feet