Land in Piduguralla, Guntur City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Gayathri Cotton Ginning Mills
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    Schedule- J: (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.0.99 Cents of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.Nos.130/19. 164 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East : Land sold by Ala Ramaiah to Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. South : Land of Cinthakayala Guravaiah, Narayana Krishnaiah, West Forest North Land of Maddula Koteswara Rao. Schedule (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.0.49 Cents (out of Ac 2.09 Cents) of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.No.164 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East : Land sold by Ala Srinivasa Rao to Ch Rajesekhara Reddy, South: Land of Cinthakayala Guravaiah, Narayana Krishnaiah, West Land sold by Ala Saidulu to Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, North : Land of Maddula Koteswara Rao Schedule (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.0.49 Cents (out of Ac 2.09 Cents) of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.No.164 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East : Land sold by Ala Venkatrao to Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, South : Land of Cinthakayala Guravaiah Narayana Krishnaiah West : Land sold by Ala Ramaiah to Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. North: Land of Maddula Koteswara Rao. Schedule . M: (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.0.49 Cents (out of Ac 2.09 Cents) of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.No.164 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East: Land sold by Ala Guravaiah to Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. South : Land of Cinthakayala Guravaiah, Narayana, Krishnaiah, West Land sold by Ala Srinivasa Rao to Ch Rajasekhara Reddy, North Land of Maddula Koteswara Rao. Schedule-1 (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.0.49 1/2 Cents of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.Nos. 164, 158 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East : Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, South Land of Cinthakayala Guravaiah, Narayana Krishnaiah, West Land sold by Ala Venkatrao to Ch Rajasekhara Reddy, North Land of Maddula Koteswara Rao Schedule 0: (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.2.32 Cents (out of Ac.5.64 Cents) of Land in Machayapalem Grama No.130/19 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub- District, Narasaraopet Registration District, Guntur District and bounded by East : Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. South : Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. West Forest land North Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. Schedule P: (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac.1.87 Cents of Land in Machayapalem Grama D.No. 130/11 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Bellamkonda Mandal, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District, Guntur District and bounded by East : Land of Badduri Tati Reddy. South : Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. West : Land Challa Rajasekhara Reddy. North Land of Singampalli Venkata Reddy etc.,
    Piduguralla, Guntur
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 21 Nov 2024
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    Bank Contact Details
    Telephone No 0863-2219091 & Cell No 9347099363
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