Schedule B : (Property Owned by Mr. J. Martin Ravi, S/o. Mr. James) The site and superstructure now existing and to be putup thereon in future, All that piece and parcel of land with building situated in Salem West Registration District Sankari Sub- Registration District, Sankagiri Taluk, Chinna Goundanur Village, New Natham S No 694/8, Old Natham No 543/1A situated within the following boundaries:- North of . Street Leading to Hill . 12'0" South of . Natham S.No.694/13-13'3", East of . Natham No 694/7- 39' 0" West of . Natham S.No.694/9 . 38' 0" to the extent totally admeasuring 486 Sq.ft., situated in Chinna Goundanur Village, Sankari Taluk with all Appurtenances Accessories and all Passage and easement rights attached therein Ward - 3. Malaiadivaram Street